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If you on the hunt for transforming your body and overall health, then look no further than George Cermak based out of St Thomas, ON. This personal trainer with 30 years experience is available for online coaching as well as one-on-one personal training in a private home gym studio. Be sure to take advantage of his expertise to help you ..
Like most people in bodybuilding I was of the belief that one should avoid fat for fear of gaining unwanted bodyfat. Recently, however, I was speaking with Dr. Di Pasquale on the phone, when he suddenly blurted out that he was working on a diet that was the total opposite of the popular John Parrillo plan, which is a diet that's very high in ..
According to an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1987, habitual smoking causes more premature deaths than AIDS, cocaine, heroin, alcohol, fire, automobile accidents, homicide and suicide combined. In a tobacco-free society the life expectancy gain would be equal to that which we would experience ..
The triple-threat technique condenses three sets into one. Let's stick with laterals for our example. Take a pair of dumbbells that you can crank out six to eight strict reps with-say, 35-pounders. As soon as you hit failure, put the 35's down and immediately grab the 25's. Rep out with these until you hit failure, probably around rep four, put ..
For most Americans, finding the right foods for your health and fitness goals while dining out can be quite the challenging task. Well we've made it simple with Guy Fieri whom shares his best locations to find foods that compliment your training and overall health goals. Browse by State or city to find the best place to eat to get fit with DDD ..
Voluntary muscle contraction requires a number of steps. It starts with an electrical signal in the brain, a signal to contract. The signal travels along a nerve, first to the spinal column, then to the muscle. When the nerve approaches the muscle, the nerve branches into many tiny fibers which extend throughout the muscle. The electrical ..