Glycemic index is a measure of how fast the body absorbs carbohydrates and increases blood sugar. Foods high in simple
sugars enter the bloodstream quickly and cause an intense insulin response. This reduces blood sugar quickly and triggers
hunger within a few hours. Low glycemic index foods are absorbed more slowly because they are higher in fiber, fats and
They cause lower but more prolonged increases in blood sugar and insulin. University of Tennessee researchers found that
mice fed a high-fat diet and complex carbohydrates gained less fat than rats fed identical diets with simple carbohydrates.
Eat low glycemic index foods- including plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains- when you need energy for prolonged
exercise or to prevent hunger.
Ingest high glycemic foods after exercise when you're trying to replenish carbohydrate stores depleted during exercise.
Post-exercise carb feeding helps speed movement of amino acids into muscle cells and promotes muscle hypertrophy. Glycemic
index is an important tool for serious bodybuilders.